You can also find it at El Corte
Inglés o el FNAC or you can
buy it throght the internet in this
page. (We have no relationship whatsover
with this website. It's the first we
"Magic for Kids is our first CD about magic.
It was recorded in summer of 2004 and it came
out to the market last Christimas.
Definitely it has been one of the coolest projects
we have been involved. During the preparation
we had a great time going through magic books,
discussing about which tricks should we include
and who was to perform each trick. It was so
fun because we could do some tricks we didn't
perform ever sonce we were kids. Edu even dressed
up as a Bricomaniac.
Maybe the best part of it has been having the
chance to help future magicians to have contact
with this art. As matter of fact sometimes becomes
difficult to find material for the youngest.
Our idea was to make a selection of both effective
and easy-performing tricks so no one gets frustrated.
Becuse let's not fool ourselves, becoming a magician
can be a tough work so we better enjoy it specially
in the beggining.
It's also true that public is the most important for
magic to happen. Performing for and by yourself you
will never feel the magic so that's why you have
to jump on stage. Dare to make mistakes. Dare
to succeed. But forst of all you have to love
MAGIC and afterwards enjoy the applauses.
We also want to thank "MANUAL PRODUCTIONS" and "SHERWOOD
MEDIA". To "MANUAL" for nos killing us during the
taping and to Pere and Ana for letting us fool
them. To all of them thank you.
During the taping no one got hurt. However we
specially want to thank África, Carmen, Daksha,
Elma, Francesc, Lucas y Paula. Thank for helping
us and delying with the heat take after take.
Agin thank you for giving us support because
after magic without public is nothing but a trick.